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Rage of Bahamut

Rage of Bahamut

language:English|platform:Android| type:Board games Advertising detection, virus detection, and manual retesting

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Board games
Rage of Bahamut - a successful card game fight. It includes more than two million players, whom you can join. What person to be, divine or angry – you will choose, after all you should conquer the world for this or that party. The game is constructed on fight of cards, there is a great variety here. You can collect 500 combinations, thus cards constantly replenish. You will be able to perfect your skills in single game then, having got hand in, to battle to other players online. In multiplayer you are waited for by quests and group fights. The game economy allows you to operate your destiny getting objects, developing characters and creating unions, and also many other things. In the game there’re a lot of fantastic and tempting heroes. Brave knights, demonic orks or angelic elves - a difficult choice. Choose worthy enemies from huge base of blood-thirsty murderers. Steal goods and treasures from the won people. Combine cards for creation of a death machine. Communicate with friends and train.

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