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Big Time Gangsta

Big Time Gangsta

language:English|platform:iPhone| type:Arcade games Advertising detection, virus detection, and manual retesting

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Arcade games
The streets of this city are as deadly as it gets. Build up your gang from the toughest bunch of street soldiers. To survive and thrive in these dangerous neighborhoods you need to take out rival gangs before they get to you first. Hustling and dealing, shooting and stealing is the only way to take these streets, earn cold hard cash and own the city. Equip your gang with deadly weapons and get right into in the action as only one side can survive a deadly shoot out. Take over the whole city, building by building, block by block, street by street. Choose from 7 of the most insane Gangstas to form your big time gang. Show them who the boss is, earning achievements of Gangsta.

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