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The Treasures of Montezuma 3

The Treasures of Montezuma 3

language:English|platform:iPhone| type:Logic games Advertising detection, virus detection, and manual retesting

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Logic games
Open improbable wealth in The Treasures of Montezuma 3! With over 200 levels, amazing visual effects, explosive audio, and stunning backgrounds. The Treasures of Montezuma 3 challenge your skills in new ways as you try to rack up as many points as possible in one minute. The Magic Totems make a return, and are more powerful than ever, allowing players to pull off insane combos. By using the powers of the totems strategically, you can score high enough to earn the Magic Stars you need to upgrade your bonus items to the max! You can add even more stars by completing the clock-free puzzle stages that appear between some levels. Don't miss out on playing the most spectacular match-three game in the award-winning Montezuma series.

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