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Contract Killer: Zombies 2

Contract Killer: Zombies 2

language:English|platform:iPhone| type:Shooter games Advertising detection, virus detection, and manual retesting

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Shooter games
В Contract Killer: Zombies you will play Eveline's roles, cleaning the research center SafeHaven from the hordes of zombie and unraveling the secret of the epidemic flash. You will have free action from the third person, high-quality three-dimensional graphics, tons of missions, murder of zombies with the most various weapon, shot-guns, machine guns, sniper rifles, grenades, axes, capsules of health and other things, various bosses of Zombie, and it will be not easy! In the new version there’s a daily bonus: get Black Katana after playing within 15 days; absolutely new locations: blow up more zombies! There’re even more weapon: increase the speed of a new chain saw and pass through the flesh of zombies as through the oil; the new grenade is available. Mutating zombies are crueler now: look for their flaring eyes; missions for veterans and experts are added, bonus baskets: find XP, consumer goods, cash and the gold, new missions of the storyline: learn more secrets; corrections of mistakes and other improvements of work.

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