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Sid Meier's Pirates

Sid Meier's Pirates

language:English|platform:iPhone| type:Logic games Advertising detection, virus detection, and manual retesting

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Logic games
Sid Meier's Pirates - a simulator of piracy life. The XVII century, the time when pirates dominated in the boundless seas. You can become one of them, live the rough life filled with bright paints, having become the best-known and successful piracy captain. In game there’s a nonlinear plot and almost full freedom of action, 27 types of ships with possibility of ship guns modernization, sails and armor. You are waited by spectacular sea fights and various opponents: trade vessels, piracy and military ships — each with a peculiar tactics and arms, storm duels on swords, fights in taverns and battles during boarding fight, piracy raids on the cities, searches of treasures, seduction of secular beauties and more. Get a ship to your taste, make a team of desperate bandits — and go on searches of wealth, glory and adventures!

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